This website is divided into two main parts, the first of which offers access to a number of the society’s databases via a set of specially designed search engines, whilst the second part affords access in a more conventional manner to the remainder of the on-line records.


Throughout the site different backgrounds have been used for each section in order to help discriminate between them. For example, birth records will always be displayed with a red background, whereas adoption, marriage and death records will appear on yellow, green and grey backgrounds respectively.


Hyperlinks to the preceding page are provided at the foot of each page but conventional links to the home page are few. This is deliberate and has been done in order to facilitate the construction of the website but, if it proves to be too inconvenient, the Webmaster will consider providing them.


Several sections of the site contain images, in PDF format, of original documents. In order to view these it is necessary to ensure that an Acrobat reader has been installed on the computer used. After viewing such a document, it will often be necessary to use the browser’s back button in order to return to the previous page.


Instead of conventional underlined blue hyperlinks, a few of the section menus list items in a light grey colour (not underlined). These positions in the menus are reserved for links to new sub-sections which have yet to be constructed or which are still under test. Upon completion, links to such sections will of course be changed to normal.


A small number of hyperlinks are coloured red instead of blue in order to signify that they give access to very large files which are really only suitable for viewing via a broadband internet connection. Although it is not impossible to use dial-up connections to view such files, very long download times would be involved.


Please note that most of the website has been designed and tested for use with the Firefox browser. Use of other browsers (such as Chrome, Internet Explorer or Opera) may well result in some dates and times not displaying properly and many items on the page menus may not completely align with the relevant hyperlinks. The Society intends to eventually make the entire website fully compatible with such other browsers but, until then, members are best advised to use the "Firefox" browser when visiting the site.


Finally, should members experience difficulties in navigating any part of this website, or discover any broken links, it would be very much appreciated if they would kindly contact the with details.


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